The 51 Paintings Suite (2014) HoneyHouse Films, AU

The Tailor of Autumn

The Uber Memorial Collection by Shaun Wilson

The 51 Paintings Suite is a ground breaking pentology of experimental feature films from Australian director Shaun Wilson. Each episode reconfigures the poses of characters found in 800 year old German medieval paintings. This landmark contribution of slow cinema features the third installment Winter Orbit spanning over 51 Days in duration that when completed will be the worlds longest cinematic film. The Tailor of Autumn is the second episode filmed in Australia during 2013/14. It continues the pace and aesthetic of Episode I while introduces new characters by way of an astronaught, a knight, and a troup of wiley sock puppets. Most of the third act was filmed in the 17th and 18th Century European Painting section at the National Gallery of Victoria, and on location throughout Southern Victoria. Each episode has a series of companion artworks under the auspice of The Uber Memoria Collection which expands through both single and multi channel video installations from 2006 onwards.

Pell playing astronaut in The Tailor of Autumn, 2013-14

Pell is playing 'Aquilis' (an Astronaut trapped in a memory orbit) 'Part of the slow cinema movement the feature film The Tailor of Autumn, and companion artworks under the auspice of The Uber Memoria Collection, form part of the worlds longest cinematic film spanning 51 days in duration: The 51 Paintings Suite by Shaun Wilson.

Uber Memoria XIX:

6 Tailor of Autumn Scene with Pell, Indented Heads beach 2013 2 Tailor of Autumn Scene with Pell, Indented Heads water 2013

The first of x5 companion video art pieces to the feature film 'The Tailor of Autumn (2014) by Australian director Shaun Wilson. Actors and friends mimic poses of characters found in 800 year old German medieval paintings which play out a 'memory' of the original artworks.

Uber Memoria XIX: Part I.

1 NGV International The Tailor of Autumn — with Sarah Jane Pell, Sarah Jane Pell, Michael Lincoln and Phil Edwards. 3 NGV International The Tailor of Autumn — with Sarah Jane Pell.

Staring: ZOZIE BROWN, SARAH JANE PELL, FRANK HANDRUM, SARAH PETRIE Director, camera: SHAUN WILSON Additional filming: MICHAEL LINCOLN, ANDREW HARRISON, DAVID BEESLEY Editor: TAMMY HONEY & SHAUN WILSON Props: PEARL WILSON Music: MOBY 'The Lonely Night (Moby's January 14 Remix)' used with permission under a creative Moby Gratis licence. Camera: FS700 @25fps, Blackmagic Shuttle 2 10 bit pro res HQ encoding. Filmed at the National Gallery of Victoria and Indented Heads. WATCH ON LINE

Uber Memoria XIX: Part II.

7 Melbournce City Baths The Tailor of Autumn — with Sarah Jane Pell. 8 Melbournce City Baths The Tailor of Autumn — with Sarah Jane Pell.

Five part companion video art pieces to the feature film 'The Tailor of Autumn (2014) by Australian director Shaun Wilson, Starring Sarah Jane Pell, Michael Lincoln and Phil Edwards, Filmed at the National Gallery of Victoria (International). Director, camera: SHAUN WILSON Additional filming, editor: TAMMY HONEY Music: MOBY 'The Lonely Night (Moby's January 14 Remix)' used with permission under a creative Moby Gratis licence. Camera: FS700 @200fps WATCH ON LINE

The 51 Painting Suite Films

Pell on set with Alex, NGV (International) filming The Tailor of Autumn, 2013-14
Sarah Jane Pell on set with Alex Syndikas, National Gallery of Victoria (International) filming The Tailor of Autumn, 2014. Photo credit: Windsor Fink


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