List of Publications
Books, chapters, journal articles, reviews, papers, technical reports, keynote presentations and creative publications
Sarah Jane Pell’s monograph ‘Performing Immersion: exploring acts of creative research underwater‘ is due in 2025. Explore publication highlights below or via Research Gate. NAVA and the Australian Copyright Agency protect Pell's IP and creative publication. Contemporary Arts Media hold world-wide education distribution rights to 'Walking with Water' 2006.
Scholarly Publications
Edited Books
[1] Editors: Fuks, S., Tuccio, S. Albinger, D., Kehoul, G., Cunningham, J., Robson, J., Hankwitz, M, and Pell, S.J. (2015) Water Views: Caring and Daring - 3WDS14 - Waterwheel World Water Day Symposium 2014 e-Book. Waves, Ripples and Splashes, Igneous Incorporated, Australia.
Book Chapters
[7] Pell, S.J. (exp. 2023) Oceans, Seas and Shorelines in Sports, Leisure and Tourism, Eds. Felicity Picken & Emma Waterton, In. Oceans, Seas and Shorelines: A Natural and Cultural Environmental History (Series Eds: Viv Westbrook & Mark Nicholls), Routledge, UK.
[6] Pell, S.J., Brereton J., Johnson, J., Hayes, L., Wang A-D. (exp. 2020) Impact of Technology on Communities, In, Intercultural Sound: Contemporary Contexts and Aesthetics., Eds. Radek Rudnicki & Ambrose Field, acccepted Bloomsbury, London UK. [Postponed with COVID-19].
[5] Pell, S.J. (exp. 2020) Spatial Performance Realities: Signatures of Sea and Space Bodies In. A (C)osmosis Art in-between Disciplines, Eds. Ioannis Michaloudis & Yuri Tanaka, Cambridge Scholars Publishing Ltd, UK. pp 127-135
[4] Pell, S.J. (2016) We are all Explorer Fish, In Handbook of the Unknowable, Eds. Rachel Armstrong, Rolf Hughes, Espen Gangvik, TEKS Publishing, NO. pp 65-71
[3] Pell, S.J. (2016) Bodies in Extremis, In Star Ark: a self-sustaining starship, Eds. Rachel Armstrong, Springer Praxis Books. pp 363-382
[2] Pell, S.J. (2013) Can artists prepare us for Space?, In TERRA Ø, Microwave New Media. Editor M. Ho. Hong Kong City University pp 35-43
[1] Pell, S.J. (2008) Glenn Pilkington, Yamatji people, Perth WA, In Xstrata Coal Emerging Indigenous Art Award 2008, Qld Australia, Queensland Art Gallery, Gallery of Modern Art
Journal Articles
[14] Pell, S.J. (2025) Stellar Corpus: From live motion capture to immersive data visualisation in a CAVE2 uniting altered gravity-movement relationships, Body, Space & Technology, BTSJournal, The Open Library of Humanities, UK. (Accepted Silver Jubilee Issue).
[13] Clashing, C., Smith, I., Montoya Vega, M., Patibanda, R., Anantharayan, S., Pell, S.J & F. Mueller (2024) WaterHCI: Water in Human-Computer Interaction, Foundations and Trends® in Human-Computer Interaction: Vol. 18, No. 4, pp 339–412.
[12] Pell, S.J. (2017) Performing Astronautics: following the body’s natural edge to the Abyss of Space’ Virtual Creativity, 7(1), pp. 53-61(9) Intellect Publishing
[11] Pell, S.J. (2017) Following the body’s natural edge to the Abyss of Space, Critical Dialogues, Issue 8, 2. Environmental Impact, 21 Aug 2017, Critical Path, 47-56.
[10] Mueller, F., Pell, S.J. (2017) Adventure and technology: An earthquake-interrupted expedition to Mt. Everest Interactions, vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 58-62, ACM Magazine
[9] Langston, S., Pell, S.J. (2015) What is in a name? Perceived identity, classification, philosophy, and implied duty of the “astronaut” Acta Astronautica 115, 185-194.
[8] Pell, S.J. (2014) Aquabatics: a post-turbulent performance Performance Research, Vol. 19, Issue 5. On Turbulence. Taylor & Francis, Routledge
[7] Pell, S.J., Imhof, A.B., Waldvogel, A., Kotler, J.M., Peljhan, M. (2014) Towards a cooperation between the arts, space science research and the European Space Agency – Preliminary findings of the ESA Topical Team Arts and Sciences (ETTAS), Acta Astronautica 12/2014; 105(1):181–191.
[6] Pell, S.J. (2012) Every space project needs an artist, Artlink; Australia Vol 32. No. 3 Experiment September 2012 p.10-15
[5] Pell, S.J. (2007) Sarah Jane Pell Bits, Bytes and the Rhetoric of Practice: New Media Artist Statements, Media-N, Journal of the New Media Caucus, Fall 2007 Vol. 3, No. 1.
[4] Pell, S.J. (2006) "Sugar and Spice...", Body, Space & Technology, BTSJournal, Brunel University, UK Issue 1. Vol. 6, Review(1)
[3] Pell, S.J. (2006) Luna Gaia: a timely team project, ISU Alumni Newsletter, France, Winter Vol. 2
[2] Pell, S.J. (2005) The Quo Vardis Tardis', a-n The Artist Information Company Magazine, UK, Vol 02, p 26-27
[1] Pell, S.J. (2005) Walking with Water, Intersector, Australia Vol 11 (No. 6), p 26
Peer Reviewed Conference Proceedings (Select)
[51] Pell, S.J., Patibanda, R., Mueller, F. F., & J. Duckworth. (2024) Breath-actuated VR experimental protocol countermeasures: a report contextualizing an Analog Astronaut HCI user-study 75th International Astronautical Congress (IAC'24), Milan, IT, 21-26 Oct 2024. IAC-24,A1,1,x81143
[50] Montoya, M.F. Saini, A., Overdevest, N., Randall, B., Pell, S.J., and F.F. Mueller. (2024) Exploring the Design of Playful Devices for Surfing. In Companion Proceedings of the Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play (CHI PLAY Companion ’24), Oct 14–17, 2024, Tampere, Finland. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 8 pages.
[49] Benson, T., Clothier, P., Pell, S.J., & K. Diekman. (2024). Weaving Water: Connecting to place, practice and protocol In Proceedings of the International Symposium of Electronic Arts (ISEA), Meanjin (Brisbane), AU 11-17 Jun 2024.
[48] Pell, S.J. (2024) Augmented Astronaut Survival: Updating the NASA Moon Survival task in preparation for an Artemis Edition. AH’24: Augmented Humans International Conference, April 04–06, 2024, Melbourne, AU. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 15 pages.
[47] Pell, S.J. (2024) What are the depths of dual-use AI in Diving? Leveraging AI for HFE and HCI in Undersea Operations and Recreational Diving Getting Back Together: HCI and Human Factors Joining Forces to Meet the AI Interaction, CHI Workshop (CHI ’24), Extended Abstract, May 11–16, 2024, Honolulu, HI, USA. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 6 pages.
[46] Mueller, F.F. Montoya, M.F., Pell, S.J., Mann, S., Bateman, S., Oppermann, L., et al. (2024). Grand challenges in WaterHCI. In Proceedings of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’24), May 11–16, 2024, Honolulu, HI, USA. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 30 pages.
[45] Montoya, M.F., Qiao, H., Sasikumar, P., Elvitigala, D.S., Pell, S.J., Nanayakkara, S., and F.F. Mueller. (2024). Exploring a playful extended reality floatation tank experience to reduce the fear of being in water. In Proceedings of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’24), May 11–16, 2024, Honolulu, HI, USA. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 17 pages.
[44] Maria F. Montoya, YuYang Ji, Ryan Wee, Nathalie Overdevest, Rakesh Patibanda, Aryan Saini, Sarah Jane Pell, and Florian ‘Floyd’ Mueller. (2023). Fluito: Towards Understanding the Design of Playful Water Experiences through an Extended Reality Floatation Tank System. Proc. ACM Hum.-Comput. Interact. 7, CHI PLAY, Article 410 (November 2023), 28 pages.
[43] Pell, S. J., Mann, S., & Lombardi, M. (2023, June). Developing WaterHCI and OceanicXV technologies for Diving. In OCEANS Limerick 2023, Limerick, Ireland, 2023, pp. 1-10, IEEE doi: 10.1109/OCEANSLimerick52467.2023.10244474.
[42] Montoya, M. F., Ji, Y., Pell, S. J., & Mueller, F. F. (2023, April). Demonstrating Fluito: A playful floatation tank experience. In Extended Abstracts of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 1-4).
[41] Montoya, M. F., Patibanda, R., Clashing, C., Pell, S. J., & Mueller, F. F. (2022, November). Towards an Initial Understanding of the Design of Playful Water Experiences Through Flotation. In Extended Abstracts of the 2022 Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play (pp. 120-126).
[40] Clashing, C, Fernanda Montoya Vega, M., Patibanda, R., Ananthanarayan, S., Pell, S.J., and Mueller, F. (2022) Going Into Depth: Learning From A Survey Of Interactive Designs For Aquatic Recreation. In DIS Conference on Design of Interactive Systems (DIS ’22), June 14-16, 2022, Online. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 11 pages.
[39] Clashing, C, Fernanda Montoya Vega, M., Smith, I., Marshall, J., Oppermann, L., Dietz, P.H., Blythe, M., Bateman, S., Pell, S.J., Ananthanarayan, S., Mueller, F. (2022) Splash! Identifying the Grand Challenges for WaterHCI. In CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Extended Abstracts (CHI ’22 Extended Abstracts), April 29-May 5, 2022, New Orleans, LA, USA. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 6 pages.
[38] Pell, S.J. (2022) LunAres SPECTRA Lunar VR In, SpaceCHI 2.0: Advancing Human-Computer Interaction Systems for Space Exploration Workshop, 1 May 2022. CHI’22 poster.
[37] Pell S.J., Thys, T. (2020) From Tektite to Artemis: 50th Anniversary Women Undersea Mission 71st International Astronautical Congress (IAC) – The CyberSpace Edition, 12-14 Oct, 2020. IAC-20,B3,9-GTS.2
[36] Pell S.J. (2020) LunAres III (SPECTRA): Trident oil Ring Main Unit (RMU) High Voltage Switch EVA and VR to support future work in on-site lunar power distribution. 71st International Astronautical Congress (IAC) – The CyberSpace Edition, 12-14 Oct, 2020. IAC-20,E5,VP.6
[35] Pell, S.J., Barnes, D.G. (2019) Apollo and the Muses: cultural and technical inspirational knowledge embedded in lunar space arts. 70th International Astronautical Congress (IAC), Washington D.C., US, 21-26 Oct 2019.
[34] Pell, S.J., Kobrick, R., Barnes, D.G. (2019) Human Spaceflight Performance: bootstrapping the intersection of biometrics and artistic expression through planetary mission analogue EVAs. 70th International Astronautical Congress (IAC), Washington D.C., US, 21-26 Oct 2019.
[33] Pell, S.J., Barnes, D.G. (2018) The Agency of Human-Robotic Lunatics. 69th International Astronautical Congress (IAC), Bremen, DE, 1-6 Oct 2018.
[32] Pell, S.J., Barnes, D.G., Mueller, F. (2018) Bubbles on Mars: 360 Play and Performance on EVA. 69th International Astronautical Congress (IAC), Bremen, DE, 1-6 Oct 2018.
[31] Pell, S.J., Trolley, Z., Kobrick, R. (2018) Technical recommendations to improve Mars Desert Research Station safety, simulation and science. 69th International Astronautical Congress, Bremen DE 1-5 Oct, 2018. IAC-18,E5,1.1
[30] Pell, S.J. (2017) Launching an artist-astronaut mission and bending horizons in astronautics. 68th International Astronautical Congress, Adelaide AU IAC-17,E1,9,x36360
[29] Pell, S.J., Langston, S (2017) Connecting the physical and social perceptions on human identity, form and function in space to define the parameters of space faring individuals, 68th International Astronautical Congress, Adelaide AU IAC'17, vol. 9, pp. 5651-5657
[28] Pell, S.J., Mueller, F. (2016) Technology meets Adventure: Learnings from a Technology Expedition in Nepal. UbiComp '16 Proceedings of the 2016 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing Pages 817-828. doi>10.1145/2971648.2971683
[27] Raffe, W., Tamassia, M., Li, X., Pell, S.J., Zambetta, F., Mueller, F. (2015) Player-Computer Interaction Features for Designing Digital Play Experiences across Six Degrees of Water Contact. In Proceedings of the 2015 Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play (CHI PLAY '15). ACM, NY, US, 295-305.
[26] Pell, S.J., Burke, B. (2015) Ocean Synapse: A Trans-hemisphere performance exploring convergence phenomena as bodies in drift 3WDS14 Ocean Views Caring and Daring World Water Day Symposium 2014 Proceedings, Waves, Ripples and Splashes, Igneous Incorporated, AU Ch(6) 471-476.
[25] Pell, S.J., Burke, B. (2015) Envisioning, Performance and Design Fiction as Research approach to predict future convergence between bodies, technologies and water 3WDS14 Ocean Views Caring and Daring World Water Day Symposium 2014 Proceedings, Waves, Ripples and Splashes, Igneous Incorporated, AU Ch(6) 477-481.
[24] Langston, S., Pell, S.J. (2014) What is in a name? Perceived identity, classification, philosophy, and implied duty of the “astronaut”. 65th International Astronautical Congress, Toronto, CA 29 Sep- 3 Oct, 2014 IAC-14,E8,1,x22445.
[23] Pell, S.J. (2014) A case for an eXtreme Art Toolkit. 65th International Astronautical Congress, Toronto, CA 29 Sep- 3 Oct, 2014 IAC-14,E5,4,x22459.
[22] Pell, S.J., (2013) Aquabatics: a novel approach to oceanic performance In Proceedings. OPB13 Oceanic Performance Biennale, Auckland NZ. Nov.
[21] Pell, S.J., Mueller, F. (2013) Singular body/aquatic actor and agency in Aquabatics adaptation design OPB13 Oceanic Performance Biennale, Auckland NZ. Nov.
[20] Pell, S.J., Mueller, F. (2013) Designing for depth: underwater play In Proceedings of The 9th Australasian Conference on Interactive Entertainment: Matters of Life and Death (IE '13). ACM, New York, NY, USA, Article 24, 6p
[19] Pell, S.J., Nespoli, P.A., McKay, M. (2013) EVA Simulation Training Underwater with a Remote Mission ‘Control’. 64th International Astronautical Congress, Beijing China 2013. IAC-13,E1,7,9x18783.
[18] Pell, S.J., Mueller, F. (2013) Designing Mixed Gravity Exertion Games for Humans in Space 64th International Astronautical Congress, Beijing, China 2013. IAC-13,E1,1,4x18692.
[17] Pell, S.J, Mueller, F.F, (2013) Gravity well: underwater play. In CHI '13 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI EA '13). ACM, 3115-3118. DOI=10.1145/2468356.2479624
[16] Imhof, B., Waldvogel, C., Pell, S.J, Kotler, M. (2012) Towards a Cooperation between the Arts, Space Science Research and the European Space Agency, Conf. Proceedings ESA-ISGP Life in Space for Life on Earth Symposium – Joint 12th European Space Life Sciences Meeting, Aberdeen, UK.
[15] Imhof, B., Waldvogel, C., Kotler, M., Pell, S.J, Peljkan, M. (2012) Towards a Cooperation between the Arts, and the ESA Topical Team Art & Science Report , 63rd International Astronautical Congress, Naples, IT 2012. IAC-12,E5,5A,6,x13409
[14] Pell, S.J, Vermeulen, A., (2012) Space Science is Alive with Art, Conf. Proceedings European Space Agency (ESA) & International Society for Gravitational Physiology (ISGP) Life in Space for Life on Earth Symposium – Joint 12th European Space Life Sciences Meeting, 33rd ISGP, Aberdeen UK. 8p.
[13] Pell, S.J. (2008) Space-related Art from Atlantica Mission: artist-in-situ, LESS REMOTE: The Futures of Space Exploration Symposium, Glasgow, UK
[12] Pell, S.J, Chamberland, D. (2008) Space-related Art from Atlantica Mission 59th International Astronautical Congress 2008, Proceedings ID IAC-08.E5.I.7
[11] Pell, S.J. (2008) Designing a dynamic utopia of our future in Space 59th International Astronautical Congress 2008, Glasgow UK. IAC-08.D3.1.8
[10] Pell, S.J. (2008) Innovative Underwater Wireless Sensor Performance Applications, IEEE 2nd Int. Workshop Under Water Sensors & Systems, SENSORCOMM Cap Esterel, FR.
[9] Pell, S.J. (2007) Hydromedusa: Aqueous Architectures for Use in WET Spaces, MutaMorphosis: Challenging Arts & Sciences, Prague, CH 8-10 Nov
[8] Pell, S.J. (2007) Luna Gaia: Ethics, Philosophy & Social Governance, 2nd Int. Space & Society Conf., ESA-ESTEC European Space Technology Engineering Centre, Noordwijk, NL.
[7] Pell, S.J. (2007) Biotelemetry in WET and DRI space performance, DRAH 07, Doing Digital: Using digital resources in the Arts & Humanities, Dartington University, UK 9-12 Sep
[6] Pell, S.J. (2007) Inspiring Transformations: The Art & Health Conference, The University of Northampton, UK 3-6 Sep
[5] Pell, S.J. (2007) Underwater Performance and New Media, Media-Infinity: Taiwan-Australia New Media Arts Forum, National Taiwan University of Arts, Taipei, TW
[4] Pell, S.J. (2006) Sensi/able Spaces Art and the Environment, proceedings of the SPARTEN conference, Reykjavik, Iceland 1 Jun – 2 Jun 2006, Cambridge Scholars Publishers, 2007.
[3] Pell, S.J. (2006) Performing by the rules...Underwater!, Counter-Narratives: Challenging / Conflicting / Confusing Voices., Winchester University, Hampshire, UK
[2] Pell, S.J. (2006) Gravity Pulse in Subspace: an introduction to Aquabatics, 25th international Space Development Conference, Space Art Track, Los Angeles, US
[1] Pell, S.J. (2005) Sub Culture: Preparing a public subspace habitat performance as an analogue to outer space operations, Blue2005 Human Performance Limits and Behaviour in Underwater Environments, Pisa, IT.
[0] Hudson, K. & S.J. Pell (2004) Falterings: Conversations at the Intersection, BEAP Biennial Electronic Arts Perth, Creative Connections Symposium, ECU, Mount Lawley, AU. 5 Sep.
[0] Pell, S.J. (2004) What does 'Aquabatics as new works of Art' propose? On the Beach: Interdisciplinary Encounters, Western Australian Maritime Museum, Fremantle WA. 10-13 Feb.
Technical White Papers
[5] [Ministerial] Rapid Response Information Report 1 July (2021). What are the growth areas in domestic STEM skills to support jobs in the space industry, and how can these be addressed by the tertiary (university and relevant VET) sector? Canberra AUS: Office of Australia’s Chief Scientist, Executive Officer of the National Science and Technology Council.
[4] Special Edition: SPACE: Exploration Innovation Brought Down to Earth (2017) Contributors: Michael Nelson, Olga Bochkareva, Cady Coleman, Carissa Christensen, Pam Melroy, Brian Talbot, Sony Mordechai, Stephen Dunne, Chris Blackerby, Richard Satava, Eric Stallmer, Michael Paolucci, Michael Roberts, Sarah Jane Pell, Bill Welser. Sparks & Honey, New York NY.
[3] Imhof, B., Waldvogel, C., Kotler, M., Pell, S.J., (2012) Meeting Report 2011 European Space Authority (ESA) Topical Team Art & Science., Meeting Report ETTAS, EAC Cologne June 19-July1, 2011. The Network for Science, Engineering, Art and Design SEAD Working Group White Papers under NSF Grant No. 1142510 Collaborative Research EAGER (NSEAD).
[2] Dalrymple, D., et. al. (2010) To Boldly Stay: Creating a sustained capability to send humans in the solar system to stay indefinitely Final Report Edition, GSP10 NASA Ames, California US, Singularity University, 120 pages, In Print
[1] Pell, S.J., Chartres, J., Gauthier, J-F., Gill, T., Ozlati, S., Transfield, E., Vandersteen, J. et al (2006) Luna Gaia: a closed loop habitat for the moon, Final Report Edition, SSP06, Strasbourg, France, International Space University, 168 pages, In Print
Conference Keynotes
[20] Pell, S.J. (2024) How to Survive on the Moon: the Artemis Edition. AH’24: Augmented Humans, Melbourne, AU. 5 Apr.
[19] Pell, S.J. (2023) How to Survive on the Moon Adelaide Fringe Festival, University of South Australia, MOD, Adelaide, AU. Feb 22-24.
[18] Pell, S.J. (2021) Our Space On Earth: How We Make the Universe Our Own Through Arts and Science Media Cosm 2021, Museum of Cosmonautics, Moscow RU. 24-25 Sep.
[17] Pell, S.J. (2021) Art Science Collaborations Field Trip Symposium 2021, ArtsFront, ANAT, USC, Horizon Festival, Sunshine Coast AU. 25 Sep.
[16] Pell, S.J. (2019) Space Analogue Missions 2nd National Space Meet #NSM2019, Godawari Sadak, Pātan, Central Development Region, NP. 20-21 Jul.
[15] Pell, S.J. (2018) Smart Arts in Space, Keynote Address and Projection Mapping Installation, _SOUTHSTART: Frontiers 2018, Adelaide, AU. 22-23 Nov.
[14] Pell, S.J. (2018) The Artist, Astronaut, and Avatar in Space Exploration. 2018 ACM Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play (CHI PLAY ’18), Melbourne AU. 30 Oct.
[13] Pell, S.J. (2018) Spatial Performance Environment Command Transmission Realities for Astronauts (SPECTRA) 13th eResearch Australasia Conference, Melbourne AU. 17 Oct.
[12] Pell, S.J. (2018) Bodies in Space SPECTRA: Art and Science 2018, MOD + University of South Australia, Adelaide, AU. 10-12 Oct 2018
[11] Pell, S.J. (2017) The Agency of Human Robotic Lunatics Robotronica Keynote, AU, Queensland University of Technology, Gardens Point, AU. 20 Aug.
[10] Pell, S.J. (2017) Dangerous Ideas II: Chroma Keynote Creative State Summit, Victorian Arts Centre, Melbourne, AU. 29-30 Jun.
[9] Pell, S.J. (2017) Humanity 2.0 Upgraded, Glimpses 2017, Red Bull High Performance Team event, Malibu, US. 10 Jun.
[8] Pell, S.J. (2016) Star Sailors (Marinero Estelar) Kosmica: International festival for earth-bound space art design, Cosmovitral, Tolouca, MX. 4-15 Oct.
[7] Pell, S.J. (2016) Hyperbody: new space for new relations Inspirational Keynote, Sarah Jane Pell & Gillian Ferrabee Heroes: Coinnovation Festival Maratea, IT. 21-23 Sep.
[6] Pell, S.J. (2015) 10th Anniversary AMP Amplify Festival Keynote: "After Everest: remapping human possibility through art and science” AMP Amplify Festival Sydney, AU. 5 Jun.
[5] Pell, S.J. (2013) Blue is the new black – from Blue Sky Thinking to Black Sky Tinkering: Space Arts. Icarus Interstellar Starship Congress, Dallas TX, US. 16 Aug.
[4] Pell, S.J. (2013) Underwater Life, 20000 Leagues Under the Lakes: From the Vassena’s Submersible to Space: Celebrating 65 years of technology transfer in the design for Humans. Villa Monastero, Varenna, IT. 27 June.
[3] Pell, S.J. (2013) Experimental Practice Australia Council National Experimental Arts Forum, CarriageWorks Theatre, Sydney, AU.
[2] Pell, S.J. (2013) It is all a matter of Depth, sg2013 Symposium, Constructing for Uncertainty, 10th Anniversary SmartGeometry Conference, The Bartlett, London, UK. 20 Apr.
[1] Pell, S.J. (2013) Living Water – water living: bodies and ocean architectures Future Cities 2.0 Other Worlds, University of Greenwich, Maritime Campus, London UK. 11 Apr.
TED Talks
[7] Pell, S.J. (2016) Imagineering Literally Out Of This World TEDxMelbourne, TED Adventure Series AU, 7 Aug 2016.
[6] Pell, S.J. (2015) How do you keep the dream alive, when things become very real? TEDxMelbourne, AU, 7 Sep 2015.
[5] Pell, S.J. (2014) Flow, TED Speaker Series, State Street Corporation, Sydney, AU, 7 Feb 2014.
[4] Pell, S.J. (2013) Towards an Australian Space Arts Policy TEDxRockhampton, Central Queensland University, Rockhampton AU, 7 June 2013.
[3] Pell, S.J. (2012) Every space project needs an artist TEDxISU – inaugural TEDxevent hosted by International Space University, NASA Kennedy Space Centre & Florida Institute of Technology, Gleeson Performing Arts Center, FIT Melbourne FL 6 July 2012.
[2] Pell, S.J. (2010) Aquabat explores Extreme Environments. Global Hydrotherapy. TEDxSydney, Carriageworks Theatre, Sydney. 22 May 2010.13:50min
[1] Pell, S.J. (2010) What the world needs now is to return to the Ocean TEDU, TED2010 Conference Long Beach, 22 Feb 2010. 3:00m
[45] Imhof, B., Metzger, P., Pell, S.J. Peer Mohamed, M., & T. Vögele. (2024) Building the Future: Innovations in Lunar Infrastructure Construction and Their Impact on Earth, ESA BSGN 5th Space 4 Inspiration Conference, Luxembourg, Dec 4-5, 2024
[44] Weibel, T., Seirafi, K., Pina, I., Salhofer, J. with Öhner V., & Pell, S.J. (2024) User Experience in Arts and Culture The 6th International Conference on Creative\Media/Technologies, University of Applied Sciences, Nov 27 - 28 2024. St Pölten, AS.
[43] Sur, S., Pell, S.J., Jew, D., & D. Whaanga-Schollum, (2023). Artists with Ocean Connections, Bribie Island Sea Museum, Bribie Is. Qld, Dec 6, 2023
[42] Pell, S.J., Kocak, D.M., Dhirani, L.L., Farheen, F., and Amstrong, B. (2023) Celebrating Success Stories and Achievements IEEE, OES European Women In Engineering Breakfast, Oceans Limerick 2023, Limerick, IR. 8 Jun.
[41] Mann, S., Quarles, J., Oppermann, L., Dietz, P.H., Pell, S.J. (2022) Grand Challenges for WaterHCI, CHI'22 Virtual Workshop April 13, 2022. ACM SIGCHI CHI, New Orleans, US 29 Apr-5 May.
[40] Horner, J., Pell, S.J., Andreacchio, A. (2022) Future Shock, Humanity X Technology _SOUTHSTART: Revival, Adelaide, AU. 10-11 Mar.
[39] Vignelles, A., Moore, A., Held. J., Terrier, D., Crumlin, P., Bland, P., Tran. T., Pell. S.J. (2021) Beyond Space Salon _SOUTHSTART: Emergence 2021, Adelaide AU. 3-6 May.
[38] Van Nedervelde, P., Gorman, A., Scott, C., Pell, S.J., Koumi, L., Tran, V. (2020), The Overview Effect 2020 Moon Village Association Payload Project, VR Webinar, 29 Oct.
[37] Murphy, J., Pell, S.J. (2020) Featured Artist Sessions Field Trip Symposium 2021, ArtsFront, ANAT, USC, Horizon Festival, Online. 21 Sep.
[36] Stott, N., Ehrenfreund, P., Lim, D., Weiss, P. Pell, S.J. (2020) Sea and Space Synergy Panel, Tektite2020: Women of Sea and Space, Online. 17-18 Jul.
[35] Barclay, L., Pell, S.J. (2020) Ocean Listening Resonance and Rebellion, Tektite2020: Women of Sea and Space, Online. 17-18 Jul.
[34] Deming, J., Armstrong, R., Kołodziejczyk, A., Gorman, A., de Paulis, D., Pell, S.J. (2020) Planetary Habitation Panel, Tektite2020: Women of Sea and Space, Online. 17-18 Jul.
[33] Austin, S., Pell, S.J. (2020) FreeWheeling Act, Action, Activism 3, Tektite2020: Women of Sea and Space, Online. 17-18 Jul.
[32] Meir, J., Pomponi, S., Calvert Young, G., Boyd, A., Passono Stott, N., Pandya, S. Pell, S.J. (2020) The Age of Aquarius Panel, Tektite2020: Women of Sea and Space, Online. 17-18 Jul.
[31] Tarter, J., Pell, S.J. (2020) Below and Beyond - Keynote Tektite2020: Women of Sea and Space, Online. 17-18 Jul.
[30] Earle, S., Thys, T., Pell, S.J. (2020) Closing Keynote - the next 50 years Tektite2020: Women of Sea and Space, Online. 17-18 Jul.
[29] Pell, S.J., Chiesa, C., Dwa, M. (2020) Insights from Women in Space, Space4Women Online Event, Nepal Space Research Association (NESRA), Kathmandu NP. 5 Jun.
[28] Zabel, P. Rieder, M., Pell, S.J., Waclavicek, R. (2019) #Extreme #Habitat #Naturen Symposium Architektonisches Entwerfen mit EuG Entwerfen & Gebäudelehre DE. 10 Dec.
[27] Barqué-Duran, A., Pell, S.J., Dublon, G., Spačal, S., Ray LC (2019), Future Humanity, Future Innovators Summit (FIS), Art Thinking School, Ars Electronica, Linz AS, 4-8 Sep.
[26] Barqué-Duran, A., Pell, S.J., Dublon, G., Vieyro, F.L., Faivovich, G., Goldberg, N., Celeste, A. (2019) Forum de Arte y Espacio, BIENALSUR, C3 Beunos Aires, AR. 13-14 Aug.
[25] Foing, B., Pell, S.J., Turšič, M., Gracie, A., et al. (2019) Space Art, Science and Culture: Of Some Visions in/for the 21st Century, Leonardo/Olats Workshop Paris, FR. 23-24 Mar.
[24] Pell, S.J., Biggs, J. (2019) New technologies for extreme performance and art in space, Global Hands On Universe Conference, Tribhuvan University, Prithivi Narayan, NP. 7-9 Mar.
[23] Henriques, I., Thompson, N., O'Reilly, Z., Pell S.J. (2018) Technostitches: Robots/Communications Quite Frankly: it’s a Monster Conference, UWA, Crawley AU. 19 Oct.
[22] Pell, S.J. Austin, S., Mitchell, N. (2018) Bodies in Space SPECTRA: Art and Science, Mercury Cinema with Australian Network for Art and Technology, AU. 12 Oct 2018
[21] Ishii, H., Welch, C., Hörtner, H., Dahlstrom, E., Nahum, Turšič, M., Liu, X., Tanaka, Y., Pell S.J. (2018) Space Art – Trial and Error in Art & Science Ars Electroncia, Linz AS. 9 Sep.
[20] Harger, H., de Monchaux, N., Stott, N., Sachs, T., Pell S.J., (2018) Beyond the Cradle: Envisioning a New Space Age, MIT Media Lab, Boston US. 10 Mar.
[19] Ishii, H., Ou, J., Sauter, J., Sommerer, C., Yamanaka, S., Pell, S.J., Leithinger, D., Ochai Y. (2017) Art Science: From Vision to Practice Ars Electroncia, Linz AS. 10 Sep.
[18] Boehme, J., Pell, S.J., Williams, M., Price, S., Baby Guerilla (2017) Dangerous Ideas Panel Creative State Summit, Victorian Arts Centre, Melbourne AU 29-30 Jun.
[17] Simondson, H., Pell, S.J., Kane, L., Rosman, G., Miles, D. (2017) STEAMing Ahead: Women in SciTech Women of the World Festival, FCAC, Footscray AU, 25 Mar.
[16] Palmisano, C., De Wit, J., Montanari, C., Pell, S.J., Parrotto, G., Postiglione, A., De Nadai, P. (2016) H Factor Keynote Panel, Heroes: Coinnovation Festival Maratea, IT. 21-23 Sep.
[15] Stott, N., Pettit, D., Pell, S.J., Riemuller, J., McPhee J. (2016) The Art of Science Communication PoSSUM Keynote Panel, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical U., Daytona Beach US. 5 Apr.
[14] Gorman, A., Brimblecombe-Fox, K., Pell, S.J., Richards J. (2016) Space and Popular Culture ISU-SHSSP Public Keynote Panel, UniSA Theatre, Adelaide, AU. 4 Feb.
[13] Sudmali, D., Boston, H., de Callet Burgess T., Ord D., Pell, S.J. (2015) Shark Tank: Arts Funding NEAF National Experimental Arts Forum, Art Gallery of WA, Perth AU. 30 Nov-3 Dec.
[12] Mc Rae, J., Pell, S.J., Jung-Harada, C. (2015) Open Source Tech in Ocean, Space, Climate Change Hong Kong MakerBay, HK. 30 Oct.
[11] Castelli, R., de Kerckhove, D., Pell, S.J., Fujihata, M, la Frenais, R. (2013) DIY Space travel/Global Art/Spatial Representations 17th Microwave New Media Festival, Hong Kong University, ROC 2-23 Nov.
[10] Pell, S.J. Doughtery, K., Imhof, B, Kaye, Z, Vermuelen, A, (2013). Art(ist)s in Space Panel, ISEA2013 International Symposium of Electronic Arts, University of Sydney, AU.
[*] MUA Tas Branch The new face of Union Divers(ity) 140th Year Maritime Union of Australia, Quadannual Conference, Sydney Convention Centre, Darling Harbour, May 2012
[9] Richards, R., Dalrymple, D., Pell, S.J., Tseliakhovich, D., Kargieman, E. (2010) To Boldly Stay: Creating a sustained capability to send humans in the solar system to stay indefinitely, NASA Ames-SU Conference, NASA ARC US, 23 Aug.
[8] Pell, S.J., Chan, H.R., (2010) Biological Enhancement Space Technologies (B.E.S.T) NASA Ames/ SU Conference, NASA Ames Research Park, California
[7] Pell, S.J., De Clario, D., Orr, J., Wise, K., (2008) Performance Panel, 2008 Woman in Research Project, Faculty of Art and Design, Caulfield, Australia, Monash University
[6] Pilling, J., Jay Shih, C., Summerhayes, C., Pell, S.J., Leon, L., Drew, M., Nelson, J., Fulham, C. (2007) Comics V's New Media Media Infinity, An Interplay of Fast & Frozen Permutations in New Media Forum, TNUA National Taiwan University of Arts, Taipei TW. 28 May - 30 May.
[5] Pell, S.J, Burgess, L., Petronegro, F., Finney, G. (2006) 'Artists in space agencies’ Space Soon: art & human space flight, London UK, The RoundHouse, The Arts Catalyst
[4] Pell, S.J., Locke, C. (2005) 'Hydrophilia & Hydrophonics: UK-AU, Water and New Media' RAW Residency Artist Talks, Brisbane Australia, The Institute of Modern Art
[3] Birringer, J., Pell, S.J., Bell, S, La Frenais, R (2006) 'Sub Culture: Duty of Care in performance' PSi12 Performance Studies International #12, School of English and Drama, Queen Mary, University of London with East End Collaborations and the Live Art Development Agency, Panel & Film pages
[2] Read, A., Pell, S.J. (2004) A conversation with Sarah Jane Pell on Aquabatics & Forced Entertainment’s Marathon Lexicon, Theatre Studies, Boston University, London UK
[1] Pell, S.J., Zurr, I, Helyer, N., Catts, O., (2004) Lifeboat: Artists and Scientists in Collaboration, ISEA2004 International Symposium of Electronic Arts, Cinema Kosmos, Tallin, ES
Prepared Lectures/Invited Speaker
[31] Pell, S.J. (2024) Bending Horizons: immersive visualisation for lunar mission simulation Australian SpaceFlight Delegation, ESA DLR European Astronaut Centre, Cologne DE. 13-15 Mar.
[31] Pell, S.J. (2020) Utilising Australia’s unique geography to develop space analogue facilities CSIRO Space Technology Future Science Platform event, Adelaide AU. 20 Feb.
[30] Pell, S.J. (2019) Pressure Perfect Faculty of Architecture, Urban Planning, Landscape Planning, University of Kassel, DE. 10 Dec.
[29] Pell, S.J. (2019) F.L.G: Fortitude, Leadership and Generosity, Celebrating the 30th Anniversary of Flinders Lane Gallery, Flinders Lane Gallery, Melbourne. AU 8 Dec.
[28] Pell, S.J. (2019) Space Café u19 – CREATE YOUR WORLD, Future Festival of the Next Generation, Ars Electronica Festival, Linz AS. 7 Sep.
[27] Pell, S.J. (2019) Apollo and the Muses: Inspirational knowledge embedded in Literature, Sciences and the Arts, and the impact for future cultural Technologies. Space and Humanities Department - Core Lecture Program ISU SHSSP 2019, Mawsons Lake SA University of South Australia, 13 Jan - 14 Feb 2019
[26] Pell, S.J. (2019) 50th Anniversary of the Apollo 11 Launch, Templestowe Heights Primary School, AU. 17 Jul.
[25] Pell, S.J. (2018) Immersive Art: Performing Astronautics, Virtual, Immersive Art, Gaming & Filmmaking Session #17, Real World VR, Melbourne AU Loop Project Space & Bar, 28 Nov.
[24] Pell, S.J. (2018) Preparing for Beyond the Cradle, SymbioticA: Biological Arts, 2018 Seminars, University of Western Australia AU, 2 March 2018
[23] Pell, S.J. (2017) From Sea, to Summit, to Space , LMCLP Graduation Address, Loddon Murray Community Leadership Program, Bendigo AU. 17 Nov.
[22] Pell, S.J. (2017) Art Meets Immersive Technologies, Immerse 2017: Mixed & Virtual Reality, Create Noosa, Peregian Springs AU. 11 Nov.
[21] Pell, S.J. (2017) Boomerang Luncheon, Australian Office Taipei [Embassy Keynote], Taipei TW ROC. 20 Oct.
[20] Pell, S.J. (2017) Art Salon Keynote: Art Taipei, Taipei World Trade Center Hall One, Taipei TW, 19-23 Oct.
[19] Pell, S.J. (2017) A Gender Diverse Space Workforce, WIA Women in Aerospace - Europe, 68th International Astronautical Congress Keynote Breakfast, Adelaide AU. 25 Sep.
[18] Pell, S.J. (2017) Art to Space / Space to Art, Space Association of Australia, SAA TV 2017, Caulfield, AU. 28 Aug.
[17b] Pell, S.J. (2017) Youth Outreach: QUT Tech Showcase, Queensland University of Technology, Gardens Point, QLD AU. 19 Aug.
[17a] Pell, S.J. (2017) Youth Outreach: What I learned attending the Exp 52 ISS Launch, Morningside State School, Brisbane AU. 14 Aug.
[16] Pell, S.J. (2017) 2017 Creative Industries Faculty Seminar, QUT, Kelvin Grove, AU. 25 Jul.
[15] Pell, S.J. (2016) Gifted Citizen, Int. Festival of Brilliant Minds, la Ciudad de las Ideas, Puebla MX. 16-19 Nov.
[14] Pell, S.J. (2016) Kosmica: International festival for earth-bound space art design, Cosmovitral, Tolouca MX. 4-15 Oct.
[13] Pell, S.J. (2016) TodaysArt 2016, Art Astrospace MoonMars, International Festival Beyond Art, The Hague NL. 22-25 Sep.
[12] Pell, S.J. (2015) Understand your inner resourcefulness, DO Lectures, Paynes Hut, Yarra Glen AU. 20 Feb.
[11] Pell, S.J. (2015) Stars in Diguise: Rhani Allan, MONA Scholarship Award, MONA Museum of Old & New Art, Moona AU. 3 Dec.
[10] Pell, S.J. (2014) Women in Leadership, Engineers Australia Convention, EAC Women's Breakfast Forum, Melbourne AU. Nov 22.
[9] Pell, S.J. (2012) AEGIS Research Seminar, RMIT University, Melbourne AU. 15 Dec.
[8] Pell, S.J. (2012) Experimentum, Experimentum, Experimentum! Artlink launch, Experimenta: speak to me! 5th Biennale of Media Arts, RMIT Gallery, Melbourne AU. 15 Sep.
[7] Pell, S.J. (2012) Organising New Space Workers ISU Alumni Conference, SSP12, Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne US. 6 Jul.
[6] Pell, S.J. (2010) Post-aquatic. Ignite Silicon Valley, Singularity University GSP10, NASA Ames Research Park, Moffett Field US.
[5] Pell, S.J. (2007) Human Performance in Subspace, Articulate Lecture Series: Performance & Environment, CCI, Perth, Western Australia, Edith Cowan University
[4] Pell, S.J. (2007) Body Shocks: from Sub Space to Outer Space, Faculty Seminar Lecture, School of Anatomy & Human Biology, University of Western Australia, Crawley AU.
[3] Pell, S.J. et al. (2006) Luna Gaia: a closed loop habitat for the moon, Directors Colloqium, NASA Ames Research Centre, Moffett Space Sciences Auditorium, US.
[2] Pell, S.J (2005) 'Sub Cultures", SymbioticA: the art &science laboratory, The School of Anatomy & Human Biology, University of Western Australia, Crawley AU.
[1] Pell, S.J. (2004) Sarah Jane Pell Artist Lecture, Showroom II, Dance 4 & The Bonnington Gallery, Arkwright Building, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham UK.
Creative Publications
Art in Outer Space
[4] Pell, S.J., Barnes, D. (2018) SPECTRA [Spatial Performance Environment Command Transmission Realities for Astronauts]
TRL6 Moon-Earth-Moon Performance Art Transmission. Successful
transmission of a 64 Billion Pixel LiDAR-1 Art Tableaux of the Lunares MoonMars Station in Poland to the Monash Immersive Visualisation Platform, AU CAVE2. Choreography by Richard Move
in CAVE2 captured in Virtual Reality, transmitted back to the Airlock, and the Astronaut learns an in-situ VR dance to then perform on a spacewalk EVA.
[3] Pell, S.J. (2018) SISTER MOON. A a global participatory cosmic art project. Curator Martine-Nicole Rojina creates vocal compositions by using radio signals to send
artist messages to the Moon. They echo back in 2.5sec to the Dwingeloo Radio Telescope (Jan van Muijlwijk) producing sound art installations with CAMRAS (Harry Keizer).
[2] Pell, S.J. (2014) OPTICKS: Moon Bounce During this live performance radio signals are used to send Artist images and Poems to the Moon from radio antennas in
one of three locations around the world, Brazil (Bruce Halász), the UK (Howard Ling) or Switzerland (Daniel Gautschi). These signals bounce off the Moon and return to Earth
where they are played live by the Dwingeloo Radio Telescope (Jan van Muijlwijk). Artefacts are printed and sent to the artists. Curator Daniela de Paulis (IT/NL),
Astronomers without Borders.
[1] Pell, S.J. (2009) Cosmic Interdependance SPRITE-SAT (RISING) Exhibition Micro-Etching Art in Outer Space, Curators Yoshida San & Ayako Ono,
Tohoku University secondary payload to GOSAT, successfully launched by Japan's H-IIA rocket from Tanegashima Space Center 12:54:00 (JST) Jan 23, 2009 to 670km sun
synchronous orbit. Active transmission 12-days.
Major International exhibitions, performances
[19] Pell, S.J. (2024) European Space Policy Institute, International Astronautical Congress IAC2024 Milan Expo Curators Aoife Van Linden Tol & Nahum/Kosmica. Milan IT. 14 - 18 Oct.
[18] Pell, S.J. (2020) astēr risque, Facing the Security Challenge, Curator Sarah Jane Pell. STM2020 hosted by IAA & University of Texas, Austin, US. 19-21 Feb.
[17] Pell, S.J., Barnes D.G., Daniel Waghorn (2018) Lunar Parliament (Mixed reality performance) 15:00, Kosmica Curator Miha Turšič, 2018 Ars Electronica Festival, Linz AS. 6-9 Sep.
[16] Pell, S.J., Barnes D.G. (2018) MDRS 188 Rock Stars (VR) 8:10. Life at the Edges, Curator Ainsle Murray, Science Gallery Dublin, UK. 6 Jun - 22 Sep.
[15] Pell, S.J. (2017) How on Earth can we live together? Global Publics Curator Annie Ivanova. Art Taipei, Taipei World Trade Center, TW 19-23 Oct.
[14] Pell, S.J. (2014) Mission 014: Art & Space Exhibition, Spartnic - Weightless Artists Association, Curators: Max Grüter & Kay Kaul. Ostrale, Desden DE 18 Jul - 28 Sep.
[13] Pell, S.J., Burke, B.P. (2014) Ocean Synapse 3WSD14 World Water Day Symposium, Curator Suzon Fuks. Live Waterwheel interactive global event 25:00 US-to-AU. 21 Mar.
[12] Pell, S.J., Mueller, F.F. (2013) Gravity Well CHI’13 Interactivity. Palais de Congress, Paris, FR 28 Apr - 3 May.
[11] ESA Topical Team Art & Science (2012), Free Enterprise: The Art of Citizen Space Exploration, Curators Marko Peljhan, Tyler Stallings. Culver Center of the Arts, US 19 Jan - 23 Mar.
[10] Waldvogel, C., Pell, S.J., Hill, A., Vermuelen, A., Ono, A., Frenais, A., Johanssen, K., Peljhan, M., Otto Roth, T., Pitts, B. (2012), ETTAS Space-related Art Showcase, Curated by Barbara Imhof & Bernard Foing, ESA-ESTEC, Noordvijk, NL. 13–16 Nov.
[9] Pell, S.J., Coutts, M. (2008) ~AER~ Curator Andrea Polli, (Archived exhibition:
[8] Pell, S.J. (2007) International New Media Arts Festival, Chief Planner of Art Festival Prof. Huang, Kuang-Nan. Kuandu National Museum of Fine Arts, Taipei, TW. 5 Jun – 8 Jul.
[7] Pell, S.J. (2007) BOOM! An Interplay of Fast and Frozen Permutations in New Media, Australian-Taiwan New Media Arts Festival, Curators Eleanor Gates-Smith, Lyn, Pey-Chwen. NTUA International Exhibition Hall, Taipei, TW. 28 May – 8 Jun.
[6] Pell, S.J. (2006) Hydrophilia III TRACT live art festival, Curators Andy Whall and Blair Todd. Newlyn Art Gallery & South Wharf, Penzance, UK.
[5] Helyer, N., Pell, S.J., Catts, O., Zurr, I. (2004) LifeBoat Project ISEA04 International Symposium of Electronic Arts, onboard ‘Opera’ Silja Liner (Finland, Sweden, Estonia) The Baltic.
[4] Helyer, N., Pell, S.J., Hodgetts, S., (2004) LifeBoat Project Riks Utstillinger, Olso Fijord, NO 2004. Lifeboat, scientific and AV installations, and aboard S.S. Innvick. Duration 4 hours.
[3] Pell, S.J. (2004) UnderCurrent V Dance 4, Curators Annette Foster, Stella Couloutbanis and Stephen Fossey. The Bonnington Gallery, Nottingham UK.
[2] Pell, S.J. (2004) UnderCurrent IV Emergency Live Art Festival, Curator Tamsin Drury. GreenRoom Theatre, Manchester UK.
[1] Pell, S.J. (2003) Second Nature: Second Skin New Territories incorp. The National Review of Live Art, Curator Nikki Milican. NRLA Platform Performance, The Arches, Glasgow UK.
Major Australian exhibitions, performances, events
[31] Pell, S.J. (2023) FLEX: Future Life in Extremis. MOD Museum of Discovery. Adelaide AU. 17 Feb - 24 Nov.
[30] Pell, S.J. (2020) Ringing Change Liberty: from Here to Here, Curator Rosie Dennis. A Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery (TMAG) & the City of Hobart Biennial Exhibition, 3-30 Sep.
[29] Pell, S.J. Barnes, D.G., & Waghorn, D. (2019) Rock StarsThe Adelaide Festival Centre, Moving Image Program Curator Sebastian Calabretto. Adelaide AU 1-31 Dec.
[28] Pell, S.J., Barnes, D.G., Move, R., & Waghorn, D. (2018) Stellar Corpus, Live interactive performance in the New Horizons CAVE2, Monash Immersive Visualisation Platform 13 Oct.
[27] Pell, S.J. (2017) ’How to Survive...on the Moon’, Keynote Performance 25:00, Presented by The Melbourne International Arts Festival, The Arts House, North Melbourne AU. 8 Oct.
[26] Pell, S.J., Loveday, J., Henden, C.(2017) The Agency of Human-Robotic Lunatics , Keynote Performance 25:00, Commissioned by QUT Robotonica, Brisbane AU. 20 Aug.
[25] Pell, S.J. (2013) Deep Performance Enhancement Perth International Arts Festival at Fremantle Arts Centre, 2 Feb.
[24] Pell, S.J. (2013) Inside Running, the sport of art, Curators Richard Lewer and Dr. Ric Spencer. Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, AU. 2 Feb – 7 Apr.
[23] Pell, S.J. (2007) freshwatersaltwater, Central Gallery, Central Metropolitan TAFE, Northbridge, AU.
[22] Pell, S.J. (2006) The Freedman Foundation Travelling Awards Exhibition, Depot 1, Dank Street Gallery, Waterloo, AU. 1 Oct - 5 Nov.
[21] Pell, S.J. (2006) Hatched 06, National Graduate Exhibition, Perth Institute of Contemporary Arts, Perth AU. 12 May – 25 Jun.
[20] Pell, S.J. (2005) Walking with Water Western Australian Maritime Museum, Victoria Quay, WA. 17–25 Jun. [Major Solo Exhibition & PhD Viva/Performance]
[19] Pell, S.J. (2004) Hydrophilia Biennale Electronic Arts Perth BEAP04 Directed by Dr. Paul Thomas. Perth Institute Contemporary Art, Duration 111mins each. 25 Aug & 11 Sep.
[18] Pell, S.J. (2004) Sea of Live(d) Dreams, Studio Residency. SameDifference exhibition curated by Bec Dean. Perth Institute Contemporary Art, Perth, AU. 26 Aug – 26 Sep, 2004.
[17] Pell, S.J. (2004) Trans.Port TERMINAL Closing Event, Curator: Kirsten Hudson. The Space Between Conference, Fremantle Passenger Terminal, AU 17 Apr.
[16] Pell, S.J. (2003) UnderCurrent III Busselton Jetty, Courthouse Artist Residency, Busselton AU
[15] Pell, S.J. (2003) UnderCurrent II Artist Foundation of Western Australia Fremantle Festival Exhibition "Fools & Folly", Moores Building Art Gallery, Fremantle AU
[14] Pell, S.J. (2003) UnderCurrent II Putting on an Act, Curator Sarah Miller. Perth Institute of Contemporary Arts, Perth AU
[13] Pell, S.J. (2002) Training Platform performance, National Review of Live Art, Curators: Sharon Flindell, Andrew Beck. Midland Railway Workshop, City of Swan, AU. 23 Oct.
[12] Pell, S.J. (2002) Rapture, Spectrum Project Space, Northbridge AU. [First Solo Exhibition, Inaugural Venue Exhibition]
[11] Pell, S.J. (2001) Prospect Portrait Prize, Prospect Gallery, South Australia, AU. [Finalist]
[10] Pell, S.J. (1999) Breakfast, The Melbourne Food & Wine Festival, City of Melbourne, Live Performance, AU. 19 Mar.
[9] Abramovic, M. (1998) Escape, Remanence Exhibition, Old Melbourne Magistrates Court & City Watch house, Melbourne Festival. 15-31 Oct. [First International Artist Production]
[8] Pell, S.J. (1998) Arts Blitz: 24-hours of artistic madness, Kingston Arts Centre, AU. 3 Mar-5 Apr. Encouragement Award
[7] Pell, S.J. (1997) Substance and Transparency, The National Gallery of Victoria, Forecourt, Melbourne AU. [First Major Public Art Commission]
[6] Pell, S.J. (1997) The Many-to-Many World II, Hotel Sofitel, Authur Streeton Auditorium, Melbourne AU.
[5] Pell, S.J. (1996) The Many-to-Many World, The National Gallery of Victoria, Great Hall, Melbourne AU. 4 Jun. [First Major Performance Commission]
[4] Pell, S.J. (1996) 9" x 7" Exhibition, Walker Street Gallery, Dandenong AU. [Winner Mixed Media Prize]
[3] Pell, S.J. (1995) VCA Graduate Dean's Art Award Winners exhibition, VCA Gallery, Melbourne AU. [Winner, Irene Sutton Mixed Media Award]
[2] Pell, S.J. (1994) Removed Materials, Live Painting with soundscape by Patrick Mangan & Instrumental Peter Humble, VCA Gallery, Melbourne AU. [Inaugural Venue Exhibition]
[1] Quick March! (1994) Wired for Thought, Live Painting Set on Stilts with musicians Georgie Veevers, Gus McMillian, Patrick Mangan, Adelaide Lion Arts Theatre, AU. 14-26 Mar.
Feature/ Short Films
[7] Sarah Jane Pell (2016) We are all Explorer Fish Co-produced by TEKS with production support from RMIT Media & Communications. Premier Meta.Morf, NO 2016.
[6] Sarah Jane Pell & Benjamin Perkins Burke (2014) Ocean Synapse Independent production. Single and Multi-Channel work. Premiered World Water Day US and AU 24 Mar 2014.
[5] Shaun Wilson (2014) The Tailor of Autumn, The 51 Paintings Suite, Uber Memorial Collection, Honeyhouse Films, AU. Filmed Dec 2013-Feb 2014. Pell, S.J. Played: Aqualias. Pre-Launch to SONY March 2014. Full Release May 2014. Single and Multi-Channel work. Longest running cinematic work of all time: Run time 51 days.
[4] Waldvogel, C., Pell, S.J., Hill, A., Vermuelen, A., Ono, A., Frenais, A., Johanssen, K., Peljhan, M., Otto Roth, T., Pitts, B. (2012), ETTAS Space-related Showcase, Produced by the European Space Agency Topical Team Art Science & Liquifer Systems, LLC, Vienna. Edited by Christian Waldvogel. Released 2012. Run time 60:00.
[3] Alex McDowell, Eric Matthies (2013) The Science of Fiction // World Building In Action Pell, S.J. Collaborator The Reality of Fiction // Unfiction: the Triumph of the Quoditian. (Development of The Leviathan, released Intel 2014). Hosted by USC and the 5Di Institute. USC, School of Cinematic Arts, Los Angeles, US 13 April 2013.
[2] Saeed Taji Farouky (2012) …Even That Void, is an experimental, ecological documentary for the 21st century, based on the film There Will Be Some Who Will Not Fear That Void, concieved by Saeed Taji Farouky, Sarah Jane Pell, Connor Dickie. Arctic Expedition 2010. Produced by Tourist with a Typewriter, UK 2010, Released 2013.
[1] Pell, S.J. (2006) Walking with Water, Produced by Contemporary Arts Media, Perth/ London, (DVD) Released 2006. Run Time 54 mins.
Film Screenings
[13] Spatious Living (2024) VR 7:11 European Space Policy Institute, International Astronautical Congress IAC2024 Milan Expo Curators Aoife Van Linden Tol & Nahum/Kosmica. Milan IT 14 - 18 Oct.
[12] Rock Stars (incorporating Bubbles on Mars) (2019) 03:33 The Adelaide Festival Centre, Moving Image Program Curator Sebastian Calabretto. Adelaide AU 1-31 Dec.
[11] We are all Explorer Fish (2019) IVAFM’19 International Video Art Festival Madrid, Kosmica Films, Curator Nahum, Madrid ES. 24-27 May 2019.
[10] Mars Olympiad (2018) VR 7:11, 360 Dome 11:36 World Premiere: Cineglobe Festival, Mars Dome Curators: Neal Hartman, Angelo Vermuelen, CERN, CH. 29 Jun - 6 Jul.
[9] We are all Explorer Fish (2016) Beyond the Beyond: ZGAC Space Art Screening Zero Gravity Arts Consortium, Curator Frank Pietronigro. Space Development Congress, MX June
[8] We are all Explorer Fish (2016) World Premiere: TEKS Trondheim Art & Technology Biennale Curators: Espen Gangvik, Rachel Armstrong. Tronheim Kino Cinema, NO 8 Mar-10 May.
[7] RawSpace (2007) [In, Walking with Water] Yuri’s Night Bay Area, Hangar N211 Curators Loretta Hidalgo, George T. Whitesides and Trish Garner. NASA ARC, US and NASA TV. 12 Apr.
[6] Hydrophilia (2006) [In, Walking with Water] SPARTEN: Space, Art & Environment Curators, Edward H. Huijbens, Ólafur Páll Jónsson. Reykjavik Arts Festival, Reykjavik IC 2006
[5] Hydrophilia & Revolution (2006) [In, Walking with Water] FREEDMAN AWARDS Stepps Gallery Sydney AU 2006
[4] Hydrophilia & Revolution (2006) [In, Walking with Water] HATCHED 06 National Graduate Show Perth Institute of Contemporary Arts, AU. 12 May – 25 June 2006.
[3] Hydrophilia (2005) [In, Walking with Water] Hands Free Series Artist Film Screenings, Curated by Helen Prichard, Dorchester Arts Centre UK, May 2005
[2] Hydrophilia (2005) [In, Walking with Water] Hands Free Series Artist Film Screenings, Curated by Anne-Marte Eidseth Rygh, 2m2 Cell, Stavanger NO 2005
[1] Hydrophilia (2005) [In, Walking with Water] MAF05 Thailand 3rd New Media Art Festival, Bangkok TH [postponed by Tsunami]. ICECA Online Gallery Digital Skin 24–28 Jun 2006.
Audio Recordings
[3] Pell, S.J. (2020) Ringing Change, In Production for since 2019. See Hobart Current TMAG (CD). Run Time (not yet known).
[2] Pell, S.J. (2013) Deeper, Deeper, Deeper, Produced by Alister Morley, Staccato Productions Melbourne. See Perth International Arts Festival (CD) Released 2013. Run Time 60:00.
[1] Pell, S.J. (1997) Telecommunications Symphony, Produced by Matthew Gingold, Melbourne. National Gallery of Victoria, Public Programs (CD) Performed 1997. Run Time 11:00.
Popular Culture Books
[2] Pell, S.J. (2011) Le Petite Mort - Aquaculture Divers. Strahan Divers 2008-2010 Limited Edition.
[1] Pell, S.J. (2011) Singularity University GSP10 (The Unofficial Yearbook) BLURB Publishing 220 pages Full color. In Print.
[1] Pell, S.J. (2006) Aquabatics as New Works of Live Art PhD Thesis, Western Australia, Edith Cowan University, In Print.