Ars Electronica (2018) PostCity, Linz AS

Lunar Parliament

Mixed Reality Kosmica Parliament Keynote Performance

Sarah Jane Pell in collaboration with David G Barnes and Daniel Waghorn.

“Failure is not an option” is a famous quote from Apollo 13; however, space activities have always been plagued by errors. A mixed reality Motion-Capture Performance within SPECTRA LiDAR Crater Data, and the Kosmica Parliament Space Platform, Pell reports (and critiques) a loss of crew situation from the Moon.

Lunar Parliament 1, Sarah Jane Pell Space Art Ars Electronica 2018.Photo Tom Melic. Lunar Parliament 2, Sarah Jane Pell MoCap Performance Ars Electronica 2018. Photo Tom Melic. Lunar Parliament 3, Sarah Jane Pell Close Up Ars Electronica 2018. Photo Tom Melic. Lunar Parliament 4, Pell LiDAR Avatar Ars Electronica 2018 Sarah Jane Pell performing Lunar Parliament, Ars Electronica 2018 Lunar Parliament 5, Pell LiDAR Avatar Ars Electronica 2018

Collaborators: SARAH JANE PELL, DAVID BARNES & DANIEL WAGHORN. Live Performer: SARAH JANE PELL & her APOLLO AVATAR. Score MOBI Gratis. Audio SPELLART. Live Technical: KINGSLEY STEPHENS. Asset Support: VISITOR.VISION. Photographer: Tom Mesic.

Miha Turšič at KOSMICA Parliament 2018. Photo Tom Melic. Nahum at KOSMICA Parliament 2018. Photo Tom Melic. Eric Dahlstrom at KOSMICA Parliament 2018. Photo Tom Melic. KOSMICA Parliament 2018. Photo Tom Melic. Space Art, Ars Electronica 2018. Photo Tom Melic. MIT Space Initiaive, Ars 2018. Photo Tom Melic.

Co-produced with the Monash Immersive Visualisation Platform for the Kosmica Parliament event of Space Art, Error- the Art of Imperfection, 2018 Ars Electronica Festival with travel sponsorship from Monash eResearch.

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