Occupational Diving

for Onshore Construction, Scientific Research, Underwater Art, Film Media & Space Analague EVA Simulations.

  • Neutral Buoyancy EVA Sim, Sarah Jane Pell 2010 NASA Ames Photo Fabio Teixeira
  • TUCF ADAS Commercial Diver Training, Sarah Jane Pell 2002 Fremantle Harbour WA Photo David Lee
  • ADAS Commercial Diver, Sarah Jane Pell 2002 The Underwater Centre Fremantle TUCF Photo Sue Scrutton
  • Atlantica Expeditions Official Aquanaut Crew Dr. Sarah Jane Pell 2012 www.underseacolony.com
  • Aquaculture Diver, Dr Sarah Jane Pell 2009 Macquarie Harbour Tasmania Photo Tim Richards & Lou Williams

Exploring onshore construction, open ocean aquaculture and inland waterways including working in space analogue neutral buoyancy facilities to further underwater performance excellence and marine environment awareness in diving.

Moonwalk EVA SIM Pell 2016

Project Moonwalk, 2016
Simulation Astronaut for the European Lunar Analogue Underwater EVA Simulation Trials, Comex Marseille, FR, 1-14 May 2016.

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On Turbulence, Performance Research Promo

Performance Research, 2014
Volume 19, 2014 - Issue 5: On Turbulence, Aquabatics: a post-turbulent performance in water.

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EVA SIM Broadcast Pell SSP13 ISU SH

ISU EVA Simulation Workshop, 2013
Teams work to lead and support trainee astronauts to complete a challenging ISS payload repair simulation in a neutral buoyancy facility.

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Diver Supervisor Course, TAS 2011

Occupational Diving: Supervisor Course 2011
Occupational Diver Supervisor training course in southern Tasmania.

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Aquaculture Diver, Sarah Jane Pell 2009 Macquarie Harbour Tasmania Photo Strahan Dive

Aquaculture, Macquarie Harbour 2008-2012
Daily repetitive bounce-diving servicing open ocean Salmon and Southern Ocean Trout farms in Prestine Tasmanian World Heritage Wilderness.

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MUA Maritime Union National Conference 2012

MUA Divers, TAS/WA Branch AU 2012
140th MUA National Quad-annual Conference, Darling Harbour, Sydney AU. 2012

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Neutral Buoyancy Test Facility, Sarah Jane Pell 2008 ALTEC Torino IT Photo Irene Schlact

Neutral Buoyancy Test Facility ALTEC 2008
Professional Visit to the NBTF - surveying the neutral bouyancy facilities, mission support centre controls and human resources at ALTEC, Torino IT

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Atlantica Expeditions Official Aquanaut Crew Dr. Sarah Jane Pell 2012

Atlantica Expeditions 2007-2017
Undersea habitat expedition lead by Aquanaut Dennis Chamberland. Official Aquanaut crew.

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Neutral Buoyancy EVA Sim, Sarah Jane Pell 2010 NASA Ames Photo Fabio Teixeira

NASA-led Pool EVA Simulations 2006, 2010
Demonstrating a hand-made bio-shaped oxygen re-breather, Pell walks from the Indian Ocean, along a submarine slip and into the WA Maritime Musuem.

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ADAS Commercial Diver, Sarah Jane Pell 2002 TUCF

Occupational Diving: ADAS 2r 2001-2012
Surface-supplied underwater breathing apparatus (SSBA) to depths of 30 metres where no surface compression chambers are required onsite.

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Underwater Opera ABC Stateline film Sarah Jane Pell Rottnest Is. 2003

Underwater Film Production 2003
Underwater Opera filmed by Paul Wolstenholm and ABC Stateline crew for Interview with Mick ODonnell.

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