Biennal Sur (2019) Buenos Aires, AR
Art and Space Forum
Centro Cultural de la Ciencia
Albert Barqué-Duran, Sarah Jane Pell, Florencia Laura Vieyro, Guillermo Faivovich, Nicolás Goldberg, Gershom Dublon, Abrevaya Celeste.

Forum de Arte y Espacio was held at C3 Centro Cultural de la Ciencia 13-14 August 2019 for BIENALSUR the International Contemporary Art Biennial of South America.
Thanks to scientific and technological progress, the secrets of space began to be revealed and the conquest of places far from Earth ceased to be a utopia. This communion allowed, exactly 50 years ago, man to leave the Earth's atmosphere for the first time and step on the Moon, in an action that demonstrated the main similarity between the artist and the space explorer: the need to discover and experience new territories, create consciousness and expand life and humanity beyond our limits. "This initiative arose from the contact we had with Sarah Jane Pell, an artist who investigates, among other issues, the spatial theme. We have been working with her for some time in the preparation of strategies and projects that link art with science," explained Mariano Sardón, director of the Bachelor of Electronic Arts at the Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero (UNTREF) and coordinator of the MUNTREF Centro de Arte y Ciencia. Sardón will moderate the conferences of the Forum together with Christiana Kazakou, interdisciplinary curator of the University of Plymouth of the United Kingdom, and one of the professionals who made possible the realization of the event. On Aug. 13 and 14, activities will begin at the Centro Cultural de la Ciencia (C3) with lecture sessions open to the public. Then, the Forum with members of the scientific and artistic community will be transferred to the MUNTREF Centro de Arte y Ciencia so that specialists can share among themselves their theories, scientific advances and interdisciplinary work initiatives, seeking that their proposals serve as inspiration for the research of their colleagues. Finally, on August 15, the event will close with a session in which conclusions will be drawn to establish lines of work to further integrate the arts and sciences. - UNTREF 2019

Transdisciplinary Workshop
Muntref Centro de Arte y Ciencia, en Tecnópolis
Albert Barqué-Duran, Sarah Jane Pell, Gershom Dublon, Verónica Garea, Florencia Laura Vieyro, Diego Golombek, Marcos Trevisan, Rosana Schoijett, Leandro Garber, Alejandro Daniel Nadra and friends. Moderated by Christiana Kazakou and Mariano Sardón.

Muntref Centro de Arte y Ciencia, en Tecnópolis, y de la Licenciatura en Artes Electrónicas de la Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero, Transdisciplinary Workshop 14-15 August 2019. Photographer Credits: Rocío Pilar de Lara, Rocío Traviglia, Cecilia Cisneros.
The union between science and art began several centuries ago, but unlike what happened in other times, when both disciplines were embodied in the genius of a single person, today is manifested through creative practices developed by heterogeneous groups of inventors. How do the different arts and disciplines relate? What links are necessary for artistic creation, what motivates them to produce their works, how can interdisciplinary collaboration improve the work of an individual artist, are some of the questions that will be answered by the specialists at the conferences that will be part of the Forum. Seeking to initiate a Workshop discussion towards collaboration (between artists and industry), we reflect and identify our subjective and collective ‘working space’. Spaces consist of multilayered dimensions; becoming ‘mental spaces’ of collaborative exploration. Each participant illustrates their ‘space’ through creative play; mirroring their working context, methodologies, research topics, experiences and everyday movement via drawing/imagination. Outcomes are intangible but authentic. Barqué-Duran, Pell & Dublon continue on to an Ars Electronica workshop...

Zacharías, M.P. Artistas estratosfera talentos cosmicos saberes scientificos, Lanacion, 12 Aug 2019.
Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero (UNTREF), Science and Art at the Service of Humanity, Muntref 20 Aug 2019.
Editor. 1° Fórum de Arte y Espacio El cosmos como territorio para vincular arte y ciencia será eje de un encuentro internacional, Soy Ciudad, AR 12 Aug 2019.
Agostinelli, A., Arte y Espacio confluirán en un fórum en Buenos Aires, Cultura Alien Encuentros, Factorel, 29 Jul 2019.