Art Taipei (2017): World Trade Centre TW
How on Earth can we live together?
Global Publics exhibition curated by Annie Ivanova.
Kit Webster, Troy Innocent, Achim Mohne, Uta Kopp, & Sarah Jane Pell.
"Often what makes news headlines is so distressing that it is natural to feel uncertain, even fightened, about the state of the world today. Massive climatic changes are sweeping Mother Earth: undeniably the causes are our own doing, yet the effects are out of our control. Despite all the knowledge there is, terrorist attacks take place in the peaceful parts of the world and the struggle for equality continue. All of this is true. Even so, I believe that this is also the most exciting time in human history. We are now citizens of the largest country on the planet, Facebook: 2 billion of us live there! This has given us unprecidented social powers to positively impact a community, a place, a city, a world. The artists curated for GLOBAL POLITICS Art Taipei Public Art Project demonstrate how such expansive ways and thiking can be applied to art practice."

Pell at Global Publics exhibition, Art Taipei, Taipei World Trade Center Exhibition Hall 1. Photos Troy Innocent.
From Sea, to Summit, to Space
Art Salon - Keynote
Sarah Jane Pell
Art Salon is, where speakers and visitors can get closer to each other at ART TAIPEI. Experts such as curators, art critics and artists can exchange their views on art and share their stories and experience with the audience. Trained as a simulation astronaut and diver, Dr. Sarah Jane Pell redefines art practice by performing in extreme environments, such as the deep sea and Mt. Everest. She is the first female artist in the world to train for a space mission, and is contributing to the current dialogues between science and culture about the future of humanity. Her Art Salon talk was the best attended session at Art Taipei 2017. May expansive conversations continue.

ART TAIPEI 2017 hoted Art Salon at the Taipei World Trade Center Exhibition Hall 1. Keynote Speaker: Sarah Jane Pell. Art Taipei President Ms Ching Hsin Chung. Curator Global Publics Annie Ivanova. Other speaker 鄭乾池. Translator Manhua Chen.
Australian artist explores how humans adapt to ‘science fiction-like conditions’. Published on Taipei Times Sun, Oct 22, 2017 - Page 3. :
Artist looks to study of space to explore human potential. Published on Overseas Community Affairs Council (OCAC) Sat, Oct 21, 2017 - News. :
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